
Showing posts from November, 2019

60 Sec Habit That Reversed Diabetes Permanently

Here we are going to share 60 sec habit that completely reversed diabetes in few days

Is Milk Bad For Diabetics

The choice of the type of milk and the appropriate amount (portion), are basic. The consumption of milk in diabetics can be one of the main doubts for those who live with this disease and also for their families. In that sense, myths have recently increased around the consumption of milk, among which those that indicate it as causing diseases such as bronchitis, influenza, conjunctivitis, among others. Milk in diabetics, yes or no? Beyond the myths about milk consumption, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) indicates that milk provides essential nutrients, proteins of high biological value, healthy fats and is an important source of food energy. In that sense, the consumption of milk in diabetics is allowed except for specific cases that prevent its consumption such as allergy, intolerances or other conditions that the treating physician refers. In general, an equivalent or portion of whole milk provides: 95 calories 12 grams of car...

Is Banana Good For Diabetics

There are many misconceptions about how a person with diabetes should eat.  One of the most common myths is that diabetics cannot eat fruits, especially those that are rich in sugar, such as bananas or bananas.  But is it really necessary to exclude this fruit from your diet, or  is it possible to eat bananas safely while being diabetic ? Banana (vs) Diabetes While banana is a  naturally rich food in sugars  and carbohydrates, that does not mean that it cannot be part of a diet suitable for diabetes. The key in this case, as with many other fruits , is moderation, since its excessive consumption can be counterproductive and raise blood glucose levels. If we take a look at the  nutritional profile of the ripe banana  , we have that 1 medium-sized banana (118g) provides 105 calories and 27g of carbohydrates, of which 14.4g correspond to natural sugars, 6.3ga starches and 3.1ga fiber dietetics  .  This tells ...

Can Diabetics Drink Orange Juice

Each year, about 400,000 people in our country are diagnosed with diabetes, that is, having high blood sugar levels. Taking into account that the number of diabetics in Spain is high we want to dedicate this article to all those who suffer from this disease and wonder what is the relationship between  orange and diabetes  , that is, those who ask: can I eat orange if I am diabetic? Is it good to eat orange if I am diabetic? We all know that orange is a fruit that contains sugar.  So,  orange and diabetes   are not compatible?  The truth is that they are.  Orange is a very healthy fruit for everyone, even for people with diabetes because it also provides many other nutrients, such as fiber and vitamins. As we have said, orange contains fiber and this nutrient causes the body to digest the sugar contained in this fruit more slowly, therefore it does not pass so quickly into the blood. Despite this and all the advantages that this ...